Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Straight Path, Re-Visited

"Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator."
-Colossians 3:9-10

Thank you God for giving me another chance.

I know so much has happened in the past year, but I continue to be hopeful. You have made a way for me when I literally had none. I can remember when I was at work in Washington, not knowing where I was going to sleep that night, lo and behold you sent someone that gave me a place to lay my head for not one night, but three. Lord, I was actually homeless for those days, and I realize that you wouldn't let me fall too far, as long as I had you on my mind and in my heart.

I thank you for just being God all by yourself. You don't need any help to make the stars shine and the planets move. I am humbled by your grace and in awe of your majesty. I ask that you continue to build in me the great human being you have asked me to be. I know I have my flaws and I fall short of what you want me to be, but you love me anyway. Thank you.

I ask that you take care of my loved ones. I want you to watch over them and keep them safe, Lord. My friends, all those near and far, keep them close to you so that no harm may befall them. I ask that those things or people you don't want in my life Lord, remove them with grace and expedience, Father, for I must not tarry. Liberation is near.

My true goal in life was to just be free. I know it sounds simple and maybe even crazy, but freedom is elusive. Highly sought, but rarely found. Help me find my way, Heavenly Father. This is my prayer to you, for I am but a lowly servant, a man trying to be a warrior. Put me on the straight path, so that I may lead by example.

In Jesus name I pray to Thee, Amen.

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