Friday, August 29, 2008

Hilary Supporters Don't Want a Black President

Seems that good ol' McCain has chosen a female running mate from Alaska. Now, one thing concerns me about his choice, and that is the fact of this woman being such a newbie, such an ultra-conservative political counterpart makes it seem as if he is a hypocrite.
Republicans have spent so much time blasting Obama for being so green, that I believe it all to be just a ploy, and nothing that speaks of real merit at all. If he built his argument against Obama around his experience, he will have to rethink his strategy when this 44 year-old mother of five comes into the fray.

These good ol' boys of the GOP seem to be in a tizzy on this choice. It was definitely a gamble for McCain, but will likely solidify his chances at the presidency since less than 50% of Hilary Clinton's supporters have said that they will support Obama. And what is the reason for that? Is it due to the issues that Obama addressed? Is it because he is inexperienced. Doubt that, kids. I think that racism has reared its head as sure as the sun burns bright. It is the only thing that I can think of that actually makes since. Those Hilary supporters just don't want a black man in the White House.

And its evident. Point. Blank. Period. These fools don't wanna see this black man win the presidency.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Mind is Maya

"Not that it matters, but...yes."

What is the true reality of who we are? Are we each just the struggles that we are permitted to surmount? Are we the experiences that swell and swarm about us? Are we the days that fly past, so harsh and wonderful in their unyielding fortitude?

Maybe we are the ghosts of our real selves, perpetuating the cycle of inane choices are futile efforts to fill a hole that is bottomless. In all likelihood, I will never be enlightened. Just yesterday I spoke to my mother about getting colored contact lenses and braces. I told her that I recognized my ego at the forefront of these choices. I understand that the "real" Marcelle should have neither wants or needs. He should not care what someone thinks of his clothing, or about the car he doesn't have. He should only care about his link with God Almighty. But it is never that simple is it?

The Ego is an awesome thing. It is like a vast veil that covers the hidden secret of our spirit and the divine beauty of the world. It is a beast that we feed daily, hoping to quell its scream, to silence all needs so that we may feel at ease with who and what we are. Nothing is that simple though. Even to find the real you, it will take excessive faith and patience.

When you are out shopping next time, and you see those new Jordans or some nice outfit or even food, ask yourself "Do I really need this?"

Not that it matters, but I hope you all see through the mist that so thoroughly blinds us all.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Man, these posts are getting fewer. What's ready for the shelf right now is the attitude against progress. Gotta roll that one up, pa. Feel like drawing a lot. Been having visions of new works, new posibilities to create...working on posterboard!

I want to get to a point where I am doing one post a day consistently. Hell, cats need to be accountable for their lives, ya heard? Looking down the road, man, I wanna be runnin' my own business, have my own dough, and live a life with a person that doesn't get on my damn nerves.

I am completely free of nonsense now. I am just kickin' back and trying to stay tuned into God's plan for me. It's drastically hard, and I wanna yell "What!?" as loud as I can everyday. Just once. Everyday.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

These Bastards...

Surely you jest, insisting my own perception is flawed, when you dabble in forecasting the changes in lives of have possibly lost your mind, pseudo-intellectual fool, fancying your theological degree like a rare gem, when it is nothing but coal in a Christmas stocking. Bastard you, your lofty idealism is laughable, toting a Bible underarm and hypocritical concepts of life and love. People like you make me wanna puke up my own moral fortitude and give it to you in a cup so you can taste the difference.

You bastards, abandon a man at his lowest point, choosing sides like pain is not universal, like sorrow is not heart felt. I would have to be honest and say you sicken me. All of you, false friends that didn't even care what I was going through, but you were there for your girl. I commend you for being true to your nature.